The Hidin’ Bidens

I was up so early and late today. My titles don’t even match. But I’m determined to help save our country from communism and globalists. So please forgive my infractions. I will not stop. My ancestors and forefathers and yours did not give unto the last measure for this coup of the marxists/communists. Honestly, today they are all the same damn thing. So all that they, the soldiers of OUR birthright, did would have been in vain if we allow socialism to overtake us. All of us. All that the the Native Americans did and endured. All that the European settlers did, endured and accomplished. All that the black slaves endured and accomplished through wicked circumstances. We have all collectively done something really wonderful in the United States of America. Neither did my father nor yours, my grandfathers nor yours, none of them fought so hard and sacrificed so much so that we would wrap our America in a package, tie it with a bow and hand it over to communists. Communists rape the soul of a person. Ask anyone who has escaped Communism. What a slap in their faces, only to come to the land of freedom and watch as misinformed, brainwashed, and ungrateful young and stupid citizens tear this country apart. Well, each of us can and will do our part in saving this country. Whatever gifts or talents you have, use them to fight this good fight. God bless us all!

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I am an artist in all that I do. These include writing, painting, public speaking, and encouraging the best in others. Life is art! God is The Great Artist. We are just cheap imitations that didn't come cheaply. For He paid the ultimate price of all on the Cross. I'm political. I'm Catholic and I love my country. Politics and Religion should have always been talked about. Thinking back I was always told that these were taboo subjects of conversation. We were wrong. We should have learned how to talk about all of it in a civilized manner. And because we did not, the world around us is yelling and screaming like banshees about politics and religion. So, I have decided to no longer remain quiet nor politically correct. I choose to use my words to fight for my beloved United States of America. Join me!

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